The Grief Dreams Community
Let’s connect online!
Dr. Black is active on various social media platforms.

Grief Dreams Facebook Group
Join the private Grief Dreams Facebook group for intimate discussion on members’ grief dreams and videos and articles related to grief dreams in pop culture. The hope is that the group will aid others in their healing process by providing a space for others to share. Only members in the group have access to viewing the posts. In the group you can share your experience, read other’s experiences, and ask questions.

Grief Dreams Podcast Facebook
The Grief Dreams Podcast Facebook page is updated with new episodes and background information on podcast guests.

Follow Us on YouTube
Follow on YouTube for the latest from the Grief Dreams podcast.

Follow on Instagram
Follow @GriefDreams on Instagram for dream stories, grief dreams in pop culture, and the latest from the podcast.

Follow on Twitter
Follow @GriefDreams on Twitter for short musings on the Grief Dreams podcast and how grief dreams show up in news and current events.
The Grief Dreams Podcast
A conversation about life, loss, grief and grief dreams with one of the leading researchers on the topic, Dr. Joshua Black.
On the podcast, various guests talk about their life, loss, and any grief dreams they’ve had.
All of the episodes are searchable here on the podcast directory, or find them on your favourite podcast platform.
Want to Support the Grief Dreams Team?
If you would like to support the platform, please visit the podcast page to learn the 3 different ways you can.