E157 - Dr. Virginia Marsico - From Bruiser to Wall-E

Dr. Virginia Marsico is a Chiropractic Physician currently practicing in central Florida. After treating patients with conventional chiropractic care, she realized that many of the obstacles preventing her patients from achieving optimal health were not physical in origin. She now focuses on helping patients become their best by focusing on the mind-body-gut connection through functional medicine, addressing underlying issues involving emotional and physiological imbalances in the body.

In this episode we talk about moving to Los Angeles by herself, getting her first dog there, finding her now husband, chiropractic care, facing fears, the death of her dog, getting a new pet, and a grief dream of her dog.

You can find more of Dr. Marsico on IG @drmarsico


E158 - Chelsea Rushton - The Other Side of Chelshotel


E156 - Guest Update - Rebecca MacDonald