E206 - Dr. Karen Wyatt - These Roads Can Be Tricky Sometimes

Dr. Karen Wyatt is the bestselling author of the book 7 Lessons for Living from the Dying, which contains stories of patients she cared for as a hospice doctor and the spiritual lessons she learned from them at the end of their lives. Dr. Wyatt also hosts End-of-Life University Podcast, which features conversations with experts who work in all aspects of end-of-life care. She is widely regarded as a thought-leader in the effort to transform the way we care for our dying in the U.S. In addition, she is valued for her application of spiritual principles to illness and healthcare.

In this episode we talk about her podcast, working as a hospice doctor, the death of her father by suicide, difficulties processing the death, and grief dreams of her father.

You can find more about Karen at www.eoluniversity.com and on Instagram @kwyattmd


E207 - Jenn K. Lee - Grieving in Dreams


E205 - Zachary Steele - The Weight of Ashes