Episode 40 - Jeannette Thompson

Jeannette Thompson works as a spiritual grief counselor and a workshop facilitator. Her life forcefully changed direction after the death of her son. During the next few years her search for answers turned into furthering her education. She trained as a Grief Counsellor at Mohawk College, and trained as a volunteer Crisis worker for the Sexual Assault Centre and the Distress Centre. She then became certified as a Spiritual Psychotherapist and Spiritual Director through the Transformational Arts College of Spiritual and Holistic Training. To find more information on Jeannette please visit her website: http://spiritual-counselling.com In this episode she talks about her life as a mom, the death of her son, how she coped, the dreams that helped her prepare for his death, and a dream she wants to have of him.


Episode 41 - Justin Wren


Episode 39 - Rachel Gebler Greenberg