Episode 76 - Serena Dyer
Serena Dyer has co-authored a book with her father, Dr. Wayne Dyer, titled Don’t Die With Your Music Still In You, and she is a contributor to Huffington Post, Mind Body Green, and Positively Positive. She regularly appeared on stage with her father at Hay House events and is a featured speaker at spiritual, motivational and wellness events around the United States. Her subject matter covers a wide range of topics, but she always seeks to share her personal spiritual perspective in a way that encourages introspection and personal growth. It was only 9 months ago that her stepson (Mason) died and put her on a path of self-discovery. In this episode we talk about her life with Mason, his death, her grief journey, the 3 dreams she had of him, and a dream she wants to have.
To read her blog post on her grief dreams - http://serenadyer.com/be-careful-with-your-thoughts/
Website: www.serenadyer.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/officialserenadyer/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/serenadyerpisoni/