E194 - Holly Truhlar - The Search for What’s Just and Holy

Holly Truhlar (she/her) is a grief therapist, community organizer, and lawyer. In her search for what's just and holy, she earned a Doctorate in Law and Masters in Transpersonal Counseling Psychology. Yet, she found more Soul, more of what mattered, in witnessing grief and spending time with animal-kin. Now, she integrates her training and experience to create justice-based, transformative relationships between people, groups, and the more-than-human world. She’s currently practicing and researching social technologies, such as ritual, Deep Democracy work, and interspecies communication, that foster collective nervous system regulation. 

In this episode we talk about the death of her brother when she was 10, grieving while in school, being run over by a drunk driver, the death of her sister, animals in her life, the death of her horse, animal’s grief, and grief dreams of her brother and sister.

You can find more about Holly here: www.hollytruhlar.com


E195 - Julie Potter - Harnessing the Power of Grief


E193 - Sabrina Palazzo - Finding A New Mindset