The Grief Dreams Podcast
A conversation about life, loss, grief and grief dreams with one of the leading academic researchers on the topic, Dr. Joshua Black.
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Loss of Grandmother
Loss of Grandfather
Loss of Uncle
Loss of Aunt
Loss of Cousin
Loss of Niece
Loss of Stepsister
Loss of Stepson
Loss of Father-in-Law
Loss of Friend
Loss of Animal
E203 - Heike Mertins - Grief is…
In this episode we talk about the death of her brother, husband, and mother, the little things in grief that are not talked about, her book about grief, sleep changes and triggers after loss, humorous aspects in grief, and grief dreams of her husband.
E202 - Callsuma Ali - Bereavement Room
In this episode we talk about her relationship with her mother and brother, being a caregiver for her brother who had autism, the death of her mother and then brother, having difficulties finding suitable grief support, starting her own podcast ‘Bereavement Room’, and grief dreams of her mother.
E194 - Holly Truhlar - The Search for What’s Just and Holy
In this episode we talk about the death of her brother when she was 10, grieving while in school, being run over by a drunk driver, the death of her sister, animals in her life, the death of her horse, animal’s grief, and grief dreams of her brother and sister.
E188 - Krista Brenner - Soul Circle
In this episode we talk about her journey to become an end-of-life doula, her business, her relationship with her brother and grandmother, the death of both of them, and grief dreams of her brother and grandmother.
E187 - Tara K. Michaud - 8 Years of Precognitive Dreams
In this episode we talk about being a high school teacher during the pandemic, her relationship with her brother, dreaming of her brother's death, the events of his death, her grief journey, and a dream she had of her brother after his death.
E166 - Dr. T.J. Wray - Grief Dreams and the Bible
In this episode we talk about becoming a biblical scholar, dreams and grief in the Bible, the birth of the Devil in the Bible, the death of her brother, grief after the death of an adult sibling, and grief dreams of her brother.
E160 - John Dietsch - Graced By Waters
In this episode we talk about fly fishing, his connection with the movie A River Runs Through It, the connection he has to nature, his newest book Graced by Waters, a dream he recently had of fly fishing, the death of his brothers, and grief dreams.
E151 - Becky Aud-Jennison - The Death Dialogues Project
In this episode we talk about cultural differences between USA and New Zealand, the death of her brother, having a good death, creating The Death Dialogues Project, continuing bonds with her brother and mother, grief dreams of her father, mom, brother, and Ram Dass.
E146 - Kay Makavel - Believe in Yourself
In this episode we talk about believing in yourself, being authentic, putting yourself first, being on Rhythm & Flow, majoring in Sociology, her grief journey, and grief dreams of her brother before and after his death.
E139 - Ryan Weaver - Military & Country Music
We talk about being in the military, the death of his brother and brother-in-law, starting his music career, using his music to honor their memories, his song “what you think of me”, challenges after military loss (e.g., survivors remorse), and grief dreams of his brother.
Episode 113 - Jacqui Pagobo - The A+ Student
In this episode we talk about her brother and his death, grieving while in school, the memorial event, and grief dreams of her brother.
Episode 108 - Kevin Toolis - The Irish Wake
In this episode we talk all about the Irish Wake, the death of his brother and father, grief dreams in the Irish culture, grief dreams in families of suicide bombers, and his own grief dreams of those he reports on.
Episode 95 - Jess Etchemendy - Leathersmith
In this episode we talk all about leather and being a Leathersmith, his brother’s life, addiction, how he continues a bond with his brother (e.g., riding, leathering, etc.), and grief dreams of his brother.
Episode 57 - Eileen Doyon
Eileen Doyon is an author. Her book series is called Unforgettable Faces and Stories. She has released seven books to date with her most recent being “Starting Over, Stories of New Beginnings”. In this episode we talk about her writing career, the power of writing your own story, the death of her parents and brother, and dreams she had of them.
For more information you can visit her website www.UnforgettableFacesandStories.com, join her Facebook page Unforgettable Faces And Stories, or follow her on Twitter @FacesandStories
Episode 22 - Manolo Orellana
In Episode 22 (with guest co-host Jade Black), we had the pleasure to talk with Manolo Orellana (a member of the Grief Dreams Facebook Group). Along his journey he has lost many loved ones and has faced a considerable amount of obstacles. He has managed to keep his sanity and with that, hopes to help anyone listening to find their light. He talks about the death of his father, brother, friend, and dogs. He shares a couple dreams that he had of his brother. Manolo would like to give his respects to Mynor, Botts, Colin, Kilo, and Jermain, who were all good friends that he didn’t mention on air “RIP My Brothers”.