Episode 83 - Sheaya Biddle

Sheaya Biddle is a Spiritual Grief Coach, who helps grievers discover what they believe the afterlife to be, and teaches grievers how to connect with their loved ones in a way that feels calming and peaceful for them. After the sudden death of her mom, Sheaya re-routed her entire path and quit her job as a Human Resource professional after having a grief dream where her mom showed up. In this episode we talk about memories of her mom, the death of her mom, her spiritual journey, being a Spiritual Grief Coach, and 2 grief dreams of her mom.


You can find out more about Sheaya at www.sheayabiddle.com or join Grief Resilience Facebook support group at www.facebook.com/groups/griefresilience/


Episode 84 - Orley Culverhouse


Episode 82 - Molly Schultz