Episode 84 - Orley Culverhouse

Orley Culverhouse is an accredited music therapist (MTA) and children's program coordinator working in a hospice setting. Her work includes supporting children/youth and their families facing a terminal illness or death of a loved one, as well residents of hospice and their families. In this episode we talk about music therapy, the death of her friend, and 2 grief dreams of her friend.

Two songs that remind Orley of her friend are Taylor Swift (I Knew You Were Trouble) https://youtu.be/vNoKguSdy4Y and Aqua (Dr. Jones) https://youtu.be/HKsuK3s0kcI 

You can find the video version of this podcast on YouTube https://youtu.be/KCV3vta45t0 


Episode 85 - Andy Zaremba


Episode 83 - Sheaya Biddle